Monday, July 12, 2010

Blog #9 20 Descriptions

"Bombs Bursting in Air"
1. Mist like troops under attack
2. Squeaking out the impossibly high note
3. Shaken to the core of my being
4. As we grew older the bombs dropped closer
5. Splinters of shrapnel
6. Sweet crooked grin
7. Intertwining thread of joy
8. Impenetrable bomb shelter
9. Fiery image
10. Blind us, like fireworks

1. Unnerving Irreversibility
2. Son's sneakers were develop holes
3. Avalanche of disorders
4. Windows in the bedroom were still leaking
5. Vibrations screeched
6. Sloppy jobs
7. Scandalized cry
8. Sagged flabbily to his knees
9. Tepid kitchen
10. Chaotic caldron of randomness

Blog #8 Shooting an Elephant

1. Hideous Laughter
2. Stricken, shrunken, immensely old
3. Sneering yellow faces
4. Loud scandalized cry
5. Insults hooted after me
6. Miry waste of paddy fields
7. Clicking their tongues
8. Wretched prisoners huddling in the stinky cages
9. The tortured gasps continued as steadily as the ticking of a clock
10. Head sharply twisted to one side

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blog #10 How To

How To Shoot a Basketball

When preparing to shoot a basketball, you must have BEEF on your mind. No, not the beef you eat, the acronym BEEF, Balance, Eyes, Elbow, Follow through. These four words will teach any basketball player to make and easy shot. Start off with balance, spread your feet a little less than shoulder width apart for a good sturdy base. Next is your elbow, have your dominate elbow at a 90 degree angle directly underneath the ball and your recessive hand on the side of the ball for guidance. Then comes your eyes, focus all of your attention on the rim for the best accuracy. Lastly, once you guide the ball in the air, follow through with your dominant hand as if you were reaching in a cookie jar on a high shelf. Your arm should be completely extended and your hand should be soft not stiff. These four steps will lead you to shoot a basketball accuractely and precisely every time, so start thinking BEEF.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Blog #7

When talking about facing opposition, it is much easier to answer when you are outside of the situation. It is hard to describe the feelings you feel or that gut instict that determines your behavior when you face something or someone who disagrees with your beliefs. In the short story "Handling Room 15," it is easy for me to disagree with the way the author handled her opposition at the time because I have been in that situation. Every year I voluntee with mentally retarded children and every year there seems to be that one child who forms an attachment to you and suddenly it turns uncomfortable. Rather than running the opposite direction, I, in the past, have faced that awkwardness by showing love. Everyone has different ways of showing their feelings, especially if they are mentally handicapped. If one of your friends were to offer you a hug, would you deny them? No. This is the same situation, just on a different level. It's not like the boy from the story was attacking her, just simply holding her hand and showing sadness when she left, simalarities of child and it's mother. Nothing awful, just uncomfortable. I guess you could say I am more like the author of "Psst:Human Capital," going for something I believe in. When you know something is right, no matter who tells you differently you go for it. If nothing else, I've stayed true to my heart. And who can oppose that?

Both of the images captured above depict one word: confidence. Although some people may think I am mistaken in making this statement, it's true that all the women above have something that all women want. The overweight women depict confidence because they are comfortable with their size and can still "strut their stuff" with smiles ont their faces. Confidence is not about what other think, it's about achieving something on a personal level. The woman on the right shows confidence by modeling and letting pictures of her body be posted all across the world. Sure, she may have the typical body people want, but when you allow yourself to be put to the test of another's judgement you must have confidence. So although these two pictures are opposing they share the same exact message.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Illegal Immigration from Mexico to America

Illegal immigration from Mexico to the United States has grown to become a large scale problem. Although some Americans have found benefits to the issue of illegal immigration, those are far over powered by the downfalls that come with Mexican immigrants. Some may argue that with immigration the economy is stimulated when low-income jobs are taken. Believers in this immigration also argue that all people have a right to freedom or the "American Dream." But the truth of the matter is, if a Mexican citizen wants to come to the United States, the only way to do it is legally. When illegal immigrants ross the border no only are they chancing death and federal imprisonment, but they also bring a whole other load of issues that expand American declination. Illegal immigrants have the power to flee freely, taking American money which increases the debt. Illegal immigrants also take up a majority of the prison space in the United States, meaning a majority of crime is brought wiht Mexican immigrants. And lastly, illegal Mexican immigrants kill oppurtunities for those who wish to come to America legally and truly fulfill the "American Dream." Illegal immigration to the U.S. from Mexico is a problem that needs to be controlled before the "American Dream" truly deminishes.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Blog #4 Pornography on Airplanes

To me, the thought of allowing pornography on public airlines seems absolutely absurd. What Americnas think that this reform would benefit anyone, including the airlines considering it? Not only is pornography degrading, dirty, and inappropriate, but showing versions of pornography on an airplane is telling Americnas that it is okay to be involved in such instances and that it is okay to induldge in an era of time were it really isn't. By telling Americns its okay to watch pornography on an airplane ride is giving each person permission to have no self control. Can people really not wait more than twenty-four hours to induldge in whatever they enjoy during their personal time? Also, what else can come about if airlines did allow this on their flights? When you start letting people induldge in such acts such as watching pornography, they begin to think they can induldge in other activities as well. Next thing we know, people will begin taking part in the actions of pornography on the airplanes. This may sounds extreme, but this is what reforms such as allowing pornography on airplanes leads too. Which truly is absolutely disgusting.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Blog #2

After reading the short story "Black Men and Public Spaces," I could not believe the trouble the author had to go through to just enjoy or get by in his every day life. Changing clothes, walking different routes, whisteling classical music, all of this just to avoid a stereotype because of his race. People claim that racial profiling is a thing of the past, which it is, but it is also present in current times. I wish I could say that I have never stereotyped someone based on the color of their skin, but unfortunately I am subject to racial profiling as well. If I see a lawn service truck pull up next to me on the road driven by a hispanic man I usually try my best to avoid eye contact just in fear that he might wink at me or word a derogatory phrase; which to my benefit has happened before, but I can probably count on one hand how many times it has happened. Or when I am waiting at the stoplight on the highway, I will lock my doors at the sight of an African American man trying to sell the newspaper or ask for a few donations. And I do have my reasons to be concerned about the chance of getting abducted or raped, we've all heard the unbearable stories of girls getting kidnapped by men of minority groups. The point is that history has engraved opinions into everyone's minds and subconciously we all are subject to stereotype. Racial profiling is not a thing of the past, rather just a part of life.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Introduction- in class assignment

As immigrants from every country flocked the United States of America in search of relief and prosperity, the country grew to be recognized as a hardworking and determined nation. The country grew to be known as the "Land of the Free and the home of the Brave." Today though, I find myself questioning the integrity and braveness of the country and it's citizens. The more I look around, the more I see less personable and unhealthy Americans, products of a lazy generation. Laziness on the American population has become a widesoread problem viewed as inevitable efficiency with changes in technology, politics, and society. Efficiency is just the opposite of what America has created and with a little bit of the old American values
the country stands a chance in the fight against laziness.

Blog #3

Americans have become Lazy!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Problem Solution Claim

Too often the blame for obesity is piled upon the federal government in the United States, when in reality American citizens are in control of what they eat and how they eat. Sure, these words may be harsh, but the truth is that Americans have become lazy which has lead to the country wide problem of obesity. Obesity is defined as a term used to describe body weight that is much greater than what is considered healthy. This includes roughly 66 percent of the adult population in the United States and anywhere from 16 to 33 percent of adolescents. Leading causes for obesity are poor eating habits, over eating, reduced physical activity, family problems, and low self esteem. All of these causes, although they may be serious in some cases, have potential to be fought and defeated with a little hard work. Where has the fire and determination that the United States of America was built upon by the founding fathers gone? Nowadays Americans have grown too lazy to triumph the trials of everyday life, consequently leading to greater issues even beyond obesity. Now is the time for Americans to take control of their lives and return to the prouder and leaner America we have all known to love.