Monday, July 12, 2010

Blog #9 20 Descriptions

"Bombs Bursting in Air"
1. Mist like troops under attack
2. Squeaking out the impossibly high note
3. Shaken to the core of my being
4. As we grew older the bombs dropped closer
5. Splinters of shrapnel
6. Sweet crooked grin
7. Intertwining thread of joy
8. Impenetrable bomb shelter
9. Fiery image
10. Blind us, like fireworks

1. Unnerving Irreversibility
2. Son's sneakers were develop holes
3. Avalanche of disorders
4. Windows in the bedroom were still leaking
5. Vibrations screeched
6. Sloppy jobs
7. Scandalized cry
8. Sagged flabbily to his knees
9. Tepid kitchen
10. Chaotic caldron of randomness

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