Monday, July 12, 2010

Blog #9 20 Descriptions

"Bombs Bursting in Air"
1. Mist like troops under attack
2. Squeaking out the impossibly high note
3. Shaken to the core of my being
4. As we grew older the bombs dropped closer
5. Splinters of shrapnel
6. Sweet crooked grin
7. Intertwining thread of joy
8. Impenetrable bomb shelter
9. Fiery image
10. Blind us, like fireworks

1. Unnerving Irreversibility
2. Son's sneakers were develop holes
3. Avalanche of disorders
4. Windows in the bedroom were still leaking
5. Vibrations screeched
6. Sloppy jobs
7. Scandalized cry
8. Sagged flabbily to his knees
9. Tepid kitchen
10. Chaotic caldron of randomness

Blog #8 Shooting an Elephant

1. Hideous Laughter
2. Stricken, shrunken, immensely old
3. Sneering yellow faces
4. Loud scandalized cry
5. Insults hooted after me
6. Miry waste of paddy fields
7. Clicking their tongues
8. Wretched prisoners huddling in the stinky cages
9. The tortured gasps continued as steadily as the ticking of a clock
10. Head sharply twisted to one side

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Blog #10 How To

How To Shoot a Basketball

When preparing to shoot a basketball, you must have BEEF on your mind. No, not the beef you eat, the acronym BEEF, Balance, Eyes, Elbow, Follow through. These four words will teach any basketball player to make and easy shot. Start off with balance, spread your feet a little less than shoulder width apart for a good sturdy base. Next is your elbow, have your dominate elbow at a 90 degree angle directly underneath the ball and your recessive hand on the side of the ball for guidance. Then comes your eyes, focus all of your attention on the rim for the best accuracy. Lastly, once you guide the ball in the air, follow through with your dominant hand as if you were reaching in a cookie jar on a high shelf. Your arm should be completely extended and your hand should be soft not stiff. These four steps will lead you to shoot a basketball accuractely and precisely every time, so start thinking BEEF.